Apps for Organizing Video Projects

Apps for Organizing Video Projects

So you have reviewed your photos and video clips but how do you organize them? My computer desktop is full of movies and scraps of videos that I have yet to assemble. I store some finished projects in a folder and on Youtube but can never access them when needed. Plus I have huge problems telling which version I am looking for. This is how I used to be. When it comes to keeping my professional files organized I am on top of every kilobyte.

Windows or Mac?

You can do this all within your Windows operating system or Mac OS. You have to be diligent and for those who edit more often, there are better solutions.

Finder Folder Approach

The folder approach for video project organization is to create a project folder for each project. This will fit under a working project umbrella. Then eventually, you can move them to the finished project folder. You need to move the bulk raw footage files into these working folders under the specific project. Then label them with titles and takes and order for further assembly. You want to avoid duplicates if you edit in high quality. Then you have your grab bag folder. It is full of all the audio files such as sound FX’s, music, unsynced recorded dialogue. Don’t forget about visual grab bag folders for FX’s, text, logos, animated gif files, etc. If you are well-organized, this is the best approach to stay that way.

Post Haste

Post Haste from Digital Rebellion is a PC and Mac compatible application. It allows for unlimited templates and micro folders to store all those grab bag goodies. Many post houses use this and have the ability to share among many computers and a server. Post Haste uniquely offers templates that help you narrow down the type of project you want to create. Some users feel it is a little too complex and prefers a more simplistic approach. For Mac only you can use the app called Editing Folders. This is really the product of the OS X Automator. You simply select what type of project you want and the appropriate folders are at your fingertips. The only downfall to this is you need to keep things well labeled. Otherwise, they will not be accessible when you need them.

Filemaker Pro

FileMaker Pro is a versatile app for keeping you organized on many levels. You can store recipes or collections of furniture or anything you have in the real world. There is also a feature that allows you to attach digital files to it. The thing I like about this is the automated titling. You still need to label everything. There are more ways to cross-reference the data and tags generate after a few keystrokes. The bottom line comes down to keeping your files well labeled and easily accessible. You want to do this with the least amount of typing possible. Post Haste and Editing Folders are free apps and definitely worth a try. If you choose to store some data in one of them you will quickly notice a sense of peace. This is from having things in their proper place.